On Saturday, a gunman slaughtered 11 Jews during Shabbat morning services. We mourn with the victims’ families and pray for the wounded. Here in Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood, we express gratitude for the first responders and for the outpouring of support from our neighbors near and far. We are committed to healing as a community while we recommit ourselves to repairing our nation.
President Trump, words have consequences.
The gunman who tore apart our neighborhood believed your lies about the immigrant caravan in Mexico. He believed antisemitic lies that Jews were funding the caravan. These are all things you and your party have claimed, without evidence, things that drove this madman to take his anger out on peaceful, sabbath-observing Jews.
President Trump, you are welcome here when you fully denounce white nationalism.
Until then, we cannot trust that you will protect all our neighbors, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or gender identity. Your words, actions, and policies have only been to do the opposite.
We are asking our allies to join us Tuesday, 10/30, at 4pm at the corner of Beechwood and Forbes, in Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, as we unite as a city to show our love for our neighbors, all our neighbors, whoever they are and wherever they come from.
We will be singing songs in memoriam for those who passed away and marching together.
If you have signed our petition, please consider making one side of your sign read, "I SIGNED THE LETTER."