Please join Bend the Arc: Pittsburgh, National Council of Jewish Women, Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates, and One Pennsylvania for a workshop to teach us why getting an accurate count for the 2020 census is so critical, and how to help get out the count via educational outreach with our neighbors in and around Pittsburgh.
Census results determine the way federal funding is allocated and the number of representatives each district has in Congress, as well as much other vital information. The Constitution mandates that everyone living here, regardless of status, is eligible to be counted.
We will learn how to contact our neighbors in communities that have been undercounted in the past to talk about the importance of participating in the census. Rabbi Ron Symons, from the JCC Center for Loving Kindness, will give us a brief drash on the census in Jewish history and its importance for us as a moral imperative now, and then Wesley Gadsen from One PA will run the training from there.
Space is limited, so be sure to RSVP promptly. Refreshments will be served. For further information, email us at [email protected].